About Us

Our Company is a U.S. based, ethical online pharmacy, founded by licensed doctors and pharmacists in 2005. Today, the company is owned and operated by a group of U.S. businesses comprising of: a community retail pharmacy group; a pharmacy group management corporation; a state of the art information technology corporation; and a specialized customer care corporation. The company is registered in New Hyde Park, U.S.A., and operates within the U.S. in accordance with our national regulations.

About Our Pharmacists

All of our dispensing pharmacists are retail community pharmacists, operating from licensed retail outlets in the United States. They are also licensed by the State to dispense medicines via secure mail order. This certification enables our pharmacists to legally dispense medications to U.S. residents.

About Our Doctors

Of course, our pharmacists are only able to dispense prescription drugs upon receipt of a prescription issued by a licensed medical doctor. To help make healthcare more affordable, we offers all our customers free doctor advice via an online consultation with a licensed medical practitioner. Once sanctioned by the doctor, a free prescription will then be issued in the patient's name. As soon as payment has been received, this prescription will then be issued to our dispensing pharmacists for fulfillment.

About Our Customer Service

We offers all our customers the option to use the services of our free Live Online Support and free doctor advice. From our call center based in the U.S., we provide live online chat sessions with one of our qualified patient care specialists. During these sessions, customers are able to ask questions about their order, request physician or pharmacist contact, or relay any other questions or queries they may have.